If you're like most people, there are times when you just don't feel like yourself-like you're worried about things beyond your control, or you find yourself preoccupied with thoughts that aren't helping anything. It can be hard to break out of this pattern, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some tips on how to stop worrying and start living the life you want to live.
- Identify your negative thought patterns
An easy way to stop your worrying is to identify your negative thought patterns. Negative thinking is a habit that you can change. It often comes from identifying a possible negative outcome in a situation, which can come from past experiences, or even just expecting bad things to happen because it's what you're used to. The important thing is: those outcomes probably won't happen! In reality, most of us overestimate how likely something will go wrong and underestimate our ability to deal with it when it does. Knowing that something bad might happen doesn't mean you need stress about it until it actually happens.
- Avoid focusing on things you cannot control
While it may seem like you're doing everything in your power to solve a problem or achieve a goal, if you keep obsessing over all that might go wrong or could possibly prevent you from achieving it, then chances are you'll be one of those people who ends up worrying about life instead of living it. Research shows that people who worry about things they can't control aren't any happier than those who don't. In fact, studies show that when we worry about things we have no control over, we experience more stress and anxiety than if we ignore those things altogether. So try not to worry about what might happen.
- Look at life through a different lens
In order to stop worrying, you must change your perspective. You need to view challenges not as something threatening, but rather as opportunities for growth. And you must recognize that there are only two things in life: things I can control (for example, my choices) and things I cannot control (events). There is no value in worrying about things you have no control over because they will never change. Instead of spending time worrying about what other people are doing or thinking or saying, spend your time focusing on being happy with yourself and healthy!
- Celebrate your successes
When you're worried about how things are going to go, it can be difficult to see past your issues. The next time you're really anxious about something (and let's face it-the next time you feel that way is never far away), flip a coin. Each time a heads pops up, make a list of five successes in your life so far. It could be an achievement at work or something as simple as having finished your morning shower on time. Not only will listing five things calm you down, it will also give you a reminder of just how many good things have happened in your life recently-even if they may not seem like successes right now! And celebrate them! Be grateful for them instead of worrying about what might happen tomorrow.
- Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself
Studies have shown that surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself can help boost your self-esteem and happiness. Surrounding yourself with positive people makes you feel better about yourself, which in turn makes you happier. In one study from 2011, positive social interactions had a significant impact on our perception of ourselves-but it's important to note that negative social interactions can also impact self-esteem. If a friend is consistently calling you out for not keeping up with them socially, then their words may start influencing how you see yourself. Friends are everything when it comes to living a happy life, so choose your friends wisely!
- Look after your physical health
You need healthy, functioning lungs, brain, muscles and nervous system in order to lead a happy life. Exercise regularly, get enough sleep, eat healthily and don't smoke or drink too much alcohol. When your body is healthy you can worry less about minor aches and pains as you have more control over your moods-it's much easier to shrug off little problems when they aren't compounded by physical pain or illness. While looking after your physical health is essential for leading a happy life, being mindful of how stressed you are will help too.
- Take care of your mental health
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If you're stressed out, tired, or overwhelmed, it can be hard to focus on anything else. When you take care of your mental health, though, you'll find that it will improve almost every other area of your life. Below are a few ways that you can take care of your mental well-being: Practice self-care : Make sure that you're always taking time for yourself-even if it's just 10 minutes in front of the television after work. Don't force yourself to stay productive at all times; there is such a thing as having too much self-discipline!