Depression can be a difficult condition to deal with and live with every day, but it doesn’t have to be as bad as it seems. It can easily be treated, and there are things you can do to help yourself even if you don’t want to take medication or go to therapy. Here are eight ways you can overcome depression and live a healthy life.
1) Set your priorities
The first step in overcoming depression is to prioritize your health. Depression doesn’t exist in a vacuum, so focus on improving your overall health by incorporating more physical activity, getting enough sleep, eating well and managing stress. You might also want to consider working with a therapist to address mental-health concerns or turn to medication if necessary. But remember: Depression is not something you can outrun or overcome with willpower alone. It’s an illness that requires care, patience and compassion; fortunately, it can be managed effectively with support. Focus on making positive changes every day—even small ones—and give yourself room to figure things out at your own pace. Remember that there are plenty of people who want to help you on your journey toward healing and wellbeing!
2) Make time for yourself
When you’re depressed, you tend to overcompensate by putting everyone else’s needs first. It can be difficult, then, to remember that it is your responsibility to take care of yourself. Setting aside time—for yourself—is important in maintaining your own mental health as well as taking care of others in your life. As someone who struggles with depression on occasion, I keep an extremely busy schedule; my number one tip is to make sure that I carve out time to do things that are purely for me. Whether it’s spending time with friends or practicing yoga , a little me time goes a long way when you’re feeling down. After all, self-care is never selfish!
3) Accept your feelings
The first step to overcoming depression is accepting your feelings. Sometimes, we just feel sad, or overwhelmed by stress or problems, and that’s OK. The key to overcoming feelings of depression lies in finding a way to cope with them: Remember, it’s normal to feel down sometimes. It’s part of being human! But there are ways you can overcome feelings of sadness and get on with your daily life. Feeling alone? Reach out to family members or friends you trust—people who care about you and want you to succeed at life. You should also reach out for professional help if you need it.
4) Get involved in things you enjoy
Studies have shown that people who are involved in groups, clubs, and activities that they enjoy often have better mental health than those who do not. Find things you’re passionate about (or get into them if you’re not) to improve your mental health. Not only will it help you feel happier, but it can also boost your mood. If you can’t find any local groups or organizations right away, start something of your own—you may meet new friends with similar interests along the way!
5) Exercise daily
The benefits of exercise are well documented: regular exercise increases your metabolism, making it easier to burn calories even when you’re not working out. Exercise also combats depression by raising serotonin and endorphin levels in your brain, as well as boosting circulation, which can improve overall mood. But don’t wait until you feel like exercising to get started: set an alarm or schedule times on your calendar to force yourself to work out at least three times per week. If you hate getting up early, make sure one of those sessions is first thing in the morning. Not only will that help ward off morning grogginess—you may actually start looking forward to your workouts!
6) Eat right & get enough sleep
Sure, there are prescription medications that can help alleviate certain symptoms, but what you eat and how much sleep you get have an enormous impact on your mental state. If you’re suffering from depression, these two things will dramatically improve your condition. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, low-fat dairy products (if your doctor agrees), whole grains—and cut back on sugar-filled drinks. Go to bed by 10 p.m., and try to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
7) Develop positive habits
Developing positive habits such as increasing physical activity, spending time in nature, practicing gratitude and maintaining a meditative practice (among others) are excellent ways to keep your mind well. If your brain isn’t healthy, it doesn’t matter how much you invest in the rest of your body; you won’t see results or feel good. To live a happier life, focus on developing these positive habits. These practices are powerful tools that can help offset negativity and keep your mind balanced.
8) Surround yourself with people who support you & your goals
For one, there’s nothing worse than feeling lonely while struggling with your mental health. On top of that, other people can see things in you that you can’t—and they may be able to help you before you even realize it. You might not even need therapy; sometimes just talking to others about what’s going on inside your head can clear things up. Think about people who have been through something similar, or go ahead and find a therapist (you don’t have to do it alone!). Even if it doesn’t feel like anyone understands where you are right now, please remember that someone does get it; others might just not know how to help yet.