If your child has trouble sleeping, you might not know what to do about it, but we’re here to help! Children are unique, with unique sleep requirements that aren’t always the same as adults. This guide will help you figure out your child’s sleeping needs and give you some tips on helping them get the rest they need each night!
The Importance of Sleep
It’s no secret that children need sleep, but how much is still a debated question. Recent studies suggest that sleep for infants can range from 14 to 17 hours per day, while 10-year-olds may need between 8.5 and 9.25 hours each night.
Understanding Sleep Cycles
Sleep stages alternate between NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep, where people experience light sleep, and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, where people dream. While adults cycle through both NREM and REM phases multiple times a night, children go through only one or two cycles of each. As a result, they may not be getting as much quality shut-eye as they need.
The Power Nap
The only kind of nap your kid needs: Instead of focusing on how long their child should sleep, parents should consider how much sleep their children need. What’s that look like? There’s no magical formula or algorithm to determine what a good amount of sleep is for your baby or child. Instead, you should be aware of your child’s patterns (they tend to follow growth spurts) and adjust accordingly.
Establishing a Routine
Establishing a regular bedtime routine can make life easier for your baby. It gives him or her something to look forward to—and helps you wind down before bed, too. Before your baby goes to sleep, follow a set of rituals (i.e., taking a bath together) that will help him or her relax.
Sleeping Safely
For infants, place a crib in your bedroom until they can sleep through a night. This way, you’ll be able to hear them if they wake up. Make sure that you have a firm mattress with no soft blankets or pillows, as these can create hazards if your baby is injured or overheats during sleep. Keep window blinds closed during sleep and avoid heavy blankets. For older kids, it’s important to follow safe sleep practices throughout their childhood, not just as infants.